Help to translate
this project to your language or improve current translations

First and foremost thank you for your interest in contributing to this project.
The translation process has been moved online and uses service to aid translation of the application.

Currently there are 2 files (resources) that need translating via Transifex:

  • default.pot - contains most of the strings used by the program;
  • a4a_word_list.pot - contains a list of simple words used by the language activities based on Arts4Apps images.

If the language you want to translate to is not in the game yet please get in touch to get it added first. This will make it easier to test the translation as you go.
There will be one more file to go through - hardcoded translation that involves alphabet, some functions related to telling time, spelling numbers, etc. This file will be created for you when new language is added. If it is an existing language you want to update, your language will be located at:
/eduactiv8/i18n/custom/??.py where ?? is your language code.

To contribute to current translations please visit

Please also remember to stay in touch if you get stuck at any point.